An important and extremely valued aspect of the Macrozoning is the civil society’s participation in the construction of the proposals. To ensure the most democratic debate as possible, the participative process happens mainly through the execution of the public workshops, technical institutional seminars and the planning seminars, involving the technical teams of the municipalities and the civil society of all the 34 cities of the RMBH.
In this context, the monitoring groups constituted of people of reference of each municipality appear to observe and stimulate the local debate. Beyond this municipal representation, some entities in process of consolidation in the scenario concerning the metropolitan level are invited. They are the GRAMBEL (which reunites the mayors of the municipalities), the Metropolitan Collegiate (which represents the managerial entities, labor unions, social movements, non-governmental organizations and academic research), the Front for the Metropolitan Citizenship (originated from the discussions about the PDDI), the Front of the Aldermen of the Municipalities (FREVEM) and the Metropolitan Parliamentary Front.
The technical team of the UFMG also promoted segmented workshops, such the ones of urban agriculture, solidary economy and social movements. The goal of this widening in the debate is to include many perspectives as possible to the project, covering the results with legitimacy and plurality.